The next live session will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 8th, starting at 7:30 PM Pacific Time.

Growing Natives Garden Tour
Virtual Garden Visit Series


The June 13th live session has ended,  and can be now viewed on Youtube.

Virtual Garden Visit series can be viewed in three ways:

  1. as a live session on Zoom, or

  2. as a parallel live session on Youtube, or

  3. as a recorded session on Youtube, any time after the live session ends.

To view a live Zoom session, you should register there first; Youtube sessions do not require any registration. If the Zoom session is full, please use Youtube instead.

To receive notifications about any future live webcasts and about the 2021 tour, please use the big “Register For Notifications ...” button.

We promise we won't spam you, and we never share our email list.

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with: CSS3Menu

A link to the Zoom session will appear

here once it has been set up.

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